Saturday, 21 March 2015


Principal's Message


Greetings from U.V. Patel College of Engineering (UVPCE), Ganpat University.

I welcome all the stakeholders – Students, Parents and Industries, to strengthen our hands and support us in our mission of “Vidhya Samajo-Utkarsh”. We, faculty and staff of UVPCE, are committed to fulfill dreams and aspirations of young students who are joining the Institute to become Engineers. We believe Engineers are makers of history. The ideal engineer is a composite ... He is not a scientist, he is not a mathematician, he is not a sociologist or a writer; but he may use the knowledge and techniques of any or all of these disciplines in solving engineering problems for the benefits of society.

Engineering means applied science. Engineers are problem solvers; they are creators of basic utilities and facilities for the society, businesses, Governments or military. Engineers may involve in planning, design, fabrication, construction, erection, commissioning and testing of industrial plant, machineries, power plants, bridges, airports or dam, water supply scheme, water or waste water treatment plant or telecommunication network, aircraft, ship, submarine or electronic appliances like T.V. radio, mobile phone, medical equipment or satellite, space shuttle, missile, etc. Just imagine, whatever you are using in day-to-day life, there is involvement of engineers.

So Dear Students, get ready to make your contribution in task of Nation building by preparing yourselves to become Engineers who can be leaders in their profession with vision, zeal, passion, confidence and with excellent knowledge & necessary skills to succeed. We wish you have exciting and life changing experience of 4 years on the campus.

We request all parents to support in whatever manner possible in our efforts to provide best Engineering education and all round development of students.

All industries professionals are requested to cooperate by way of sharing your experience with students, helping in training and placement, by referring industrial problems which required innovative solutions.

Thanking you all for visiting this page and looking forward for fruitful association with you,


Dr. Paresh Shah
Principal, U.V. Patel College of Engineering

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